My First Design Team

Off the Rails Scrapbooking

So I'm hopping around Facebook, checking out some awesome creations on scrapbooking sights, adding my own for people to check out when Deena messages me on one of my posts to tell me to check my "others" folder in my messages! (I had to google how to do that by the way.......). 

Her message was an invitation to join a new design team coordinated by Amanda Sousa over at "Off The Rails Scrapbooking" . I think I actually squealed! Yeah, in fact, I'm pretty sure I did .........

And now finally I can share it with you........

Amanda says:

"Off the Rails Scrapbooking blog is no ordinary blog, we are here to challenge you. When designing a card, a layout or a mixed media project think outside the square, go where you have never gone before. Go Off the Rails! We have an amazing Design Team that come from all over the world and are here to inspire you.
Our challenges are posted Friday and run for 2 weeks and every second Friday a new challenge will be posted."

And I thought I was busy before........ I better get creating!! See you over there.

You can check out the blog HERE. Follow us to see what we get up to.



1 comment:

  1. Oh Fiona how did I miss this, I am glad you squealed lol. You have a wonderful talent and we are lucky to have you at Off The Rails Scrapbooking. So thank you for saying yes, I look forward to watching and sharing your journey x


The only artist you should ever compare yourself to is the one you were yesterday.

Fiona xx