Off the Rails Scrapbooking Tutorial for September

Hello everyone. Well it's my time over on the Off the Rails blog today and I'm sharing with you a process video I've made recently of a double spread page called "Be Creative".

I created this art journal page as a reminder to BE CREATIVE. Too often we doubt out ability to create when in actual fact we always have that ability. Through the process of creating something we ARE being creative. I often doubt myself and judge harshly each and every creation I make.

So I made this page to remind myself that no matter what else I think, I am creative! As long as I like it and I've learnt something from it, it's worth it.

A friend of mine recently posted a quote about comparing your art to others and that the only persons art you should compare with is your own. I loved it and I think it's a really important message for all of us.


  1. That is SOOOOOO see the joy in kids because they're creating. That's it. No end game. No beat yourself up cos it's not as good as Jacks in the corner....& they have an innate sense of LOVING what they make....dunno when that gets beaten out of them.....but it seems to come sooner or later, worst luck.....sheesh! You always make me go orf on a tangent.....right! page. Sublime. Wish I could scrap like this [LOL!!!! JOOOOKING!!!]. In fact, I'm not doing any more art journal pages 'til I can. Double joking.....I do LOOOVE the magazine idea adding trick, though...will watch the video if I ever catch up on blog visiting, Which I obv WON'T if I keep writing so much. Sozzy!!!

  2. Fiona I really enjoyed watching your creative process and its fabulous, no need for doubt about yourself. I especially like the watercolour technique.

  3. I so know where you are coming from Fiona!! I think we've all been there and just need to remember that the only person we need to please is ourselves. Looooveeee this page and loved watching you create it. Have to say I have learned quite a bit from watching your videos and I am extremely grateful to you! Thank you so much for sharing your talents!! ox


The only artist you should ever compare yourself to is the one you were yesterday.

Fiona xx