Soul Journey 2018 FREE online class

Hello and welcome to 2018! What a smash this year is going to be!
First up I am kicking off the year with my tutorial for the oh so AWESOME Soul Journey 2018.

A little bit about Soul Journey 2018

Your hostesses for this mixed media course are Annette Poacher, Elisa Ablett, Tanya Froud and Deena Otway. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.

Soul Journey will run for the complete year with two artists per month sharing with you their art, talent and inspiration. You will find if you look under photos that there are albums for every teacher where you will find a bio and all their social media links. Please show them some Soul Journey love and follow them. In these albums you will be able to add photos of your art that you have created from their inspiration.

Once a week Annette, Elisa, Tanya or Deena will also share with you a tutorial. These tutorials are based around a quote/saying that we are calling soul starters. At the end of your journey you will have 52 cards that offer positivity, uplift your soul and give you something tangible to look through and connect with.

We are here to support each other so no negative comments, if can’t say something positive please scroll past.
We also have personal trainer on board whose experience lies within healthy eating for the mind, breathing exercises and ideas for exercise play a huge part in living a healthy life and thereby a healthy mind.
This is a group where you can share you stories so please if you feel comfortable do so.

This is where my Soul Journey began

Annette sent me a little package from the Art and Soul store, which was full of goodies for me to play with. You'll see me un-wrapping the parcel on the video (very entertaining)!!!

Then I went to work creating something from what she had sent me. I started thinking I'd make an art journal page and then tip it into my journal but things got a little out of hand ..... as they always do with me, and I ended up making a wall hanging.

And so is what you've been waiting for. Go make a cuppa, sit back and relax while you watch my 3 part (yes 3 part ...... I kinda got a bot carried away) tutorial. There is a supplies list in my "file" on the face book group page LINK HERE So if you want to make along with me you can have everything ready to go before hand, however there is no rush ..... that's the best thing about attending an online class. This tutorial will be available for as long as Youtube is alive!

Here are the links to the three parts.

If you have any questions or anything confuses you or doesn't make sense then please make a comment in my file and I will endeavor to get back to you as soon as I can. Tag me in the comment so I am notified or I might miss it.

Have fun my lovelies. I hope I don't ramble too much .... prone to a bit of a ramble .... really??? ....... Nah never!!!!

Share your creations for me to see in the file (LINK HERE) xxxxx 


  1. Love the wall hanging and can't wait to get hone(I'm traveling) to start viewing the classes and to check out all involved!

    1. Thank you Kate. It is such an amazing project. Safe travels and happy creating xx


The only artist you should ever compare yourself to is the one you were yesterday.

Fiona xx