You Are So Beautiful an Art Journal Page

Hello! Today I am sharing an art journal page that I created using Kaity's new stamps
 This page is all about extending the use of the stamps and the stencils. I had just finished teaching a class called "Beyond the basic stencil" where I looked at all the different ways a stencil can be utilized. In this art journal page, I've used the stencil to create an extension of the stamp design to look like petals floating into the air. I've also extended the stamp design using a doodling scribble to extend the girls hair to meet the petals in the wind.

I think it's healthy for us to extend on stamps designs. All too often we forget that even though the stamp is beautiful in it's own right, it can be altered slightly to fit our design idea. Simply doodling some extra marks or lines can make a world of difference to the end result and personalizes our art.

 The flowers, well they are just beautiful as they are. All I've done is stamp them one on top of the other in a line to give them extra height in some cases. Again a really great way to make a stamp become more than just what it was intended for.

I've also highlighted the stencil design with some mark making over the top. I love how mark making can create a whole new look to your stamping and stenciling.

I hope these little tips and ideas have inspired you to "extend" the life of your stamps and stencils.


  1. In order to get the Office 365 installed on your PC, you need to sign-in to your Office account, click the Install button, click Install button again to download the web-setup, and then run the web-setup of Office 365 on your PC to download Office 365 installation files and get it installed. Why download the Office 365 offline installer?

    Office Setup

  2. To find out how to reset Verizon Router to factory settings, you must check out that the led power light that is on the front panel must be lit green. Now, you can use the pointed end of a paper clip to press and then hold the reset button for 10 seconds. Now, you can simply release the reset button, and then Verizon will automatically reboot itself.


The only artist you should ever compare yourself to is the one you were yesterday.

Fiona xx