She Just Appeared

Hello I'm here with you today to share an art journal page I have created using one of the latest release's of stamp plates designed by our champion designer DeeDee Catron (love your work babe)

I really had no idea where this one was going when I started it. I know I wanted to  use the Turquoise and that was about it. So that is where I started.

Then I collaged on some run off paper I had used in a previous print making project that involved the fabulous stamps from plate 1495

Because the colours in this were yellow and red, that's where the page started to go. I love it when my art is influenced by something out of my control.

And then ...... this face appeared. I just love the way it surprised me. That's the best kind of art .... the ones you don't expect.

VLVS! stamps I used include:

See you all again soon xx

1 comment:

The only artist you should ever compare yourself to is the one you were yesterday.

Fiona xx