13Arts Final Guest Design Piece

Hello Fiona here with you for my final share as part of the Guest Design team. What an awesome journey this has been as a 13 @rts Guest Designer. I have absolutely loved my time here. The team is so friendly and the products ... well what can I say, they have been my favourite ever since I first saw them being demonstrated by the very talented Aida.

The piece I've created is a photo of my boy when he was much smaller that he is now. Boy how time flies!!
I created this layout by using some of the sprays from the range. I wanted to use blue hues so I picked out some of the most gorgeous blues available in the collection. That’s what I love about the 13@rts sprays, the colour range is fabulous and growing all the time. Blue is not just blue!
I wanted to show you how the sprays cling so well to any surface. For this project I have used a canvas board. I was very impressed how the colour stayed so bright even after it was dried and how, when applied on top of the wet Modeling paste, it crackled ever so slightly when I dried it with my heat tool. A brilliant effect!
I also used the Ayeeda Splash Inks in the black and white. The consistency is amazing. Thick enough to splash but thin enough to flick to get a smaller effect. The coverage with the white is amazing. Even after it has dried it is strong in colour.
  As I mentioned before, I have absolutely loved my time as part of the Guest Design team. It will be sad to say goodbye. I hope you have enjoyed seeing the projects I have created. Thank you to all of you for your support. I hope to be creating for you again one day xx
Product List:
Ayeeda Mists Pastel Blue
Ayeeda Mist Chalk Blue Light
Ayeeda Mist Chalk indigo
Ayeeda Mist Chalk Turquoise light
Ayeeda SPLASH Ink Black
Ayeeda SPLASH Ink White
Ayeeda Medium Modeling Paste
Ayeeda Medium gesso
StazOn Ink Jet Black
Ayeeda gesso

What an amazing experience this has been. I really hope to do it all again soon. This team has been amazing to work with and I simply love Aida's 13@rts products. They top the list of some of my favourites! I recommend you try them out!

Signing out for the last time as a 13@rts Designer xx

1 comment:

  1. Fiona,
    First let me say, your son is totally adorable in that photo! Your page is gorgeous, as always! Being the blue gal I am - I love the colors and the dream catchers are awesome.


The only artist you should ever compare yourself to is the one you were yesterday.

Fiona xx