December Challenge at VLVS

Hello my lovelies! I am here with you today to share a little tag I have created for the December challenge or at Viva Las Vegastamps!

We'd like to inspire you with frames, scallops, doodles, vintage tones, tealgraytanwhiteblack,Christmastrees, WINTER, snowmensquirrels, snow angels, Victorian, house, scenery, road, snowbanks, family & more! Just be inspired ^_^

 Brown and teal together is one of my most favourite colour combinations! So I was very keen to create a background that would represent the mood.

Seeing that it's December I also wanted to give my tag a little Christmas theme so I popped the Santa and Reindeer stamp on it too.

Viva las Vegastamps! Used:

I hope you will join us. The link to take you to the monthly challenge is HERE

Don't forget the rules:
-Create a new project based on our inspiration board (it has to be posted this month, but you can certainly link up to other challenges as well!)
-Use at least one (but certainly more if you want) Viva Las VegaStamps! rubber stamps
(We are now allowing competitors stamps to be on your work, but please make VLVS! the focus of the project, thank you.)
-Post it to your blog with a link back to us
-Upload to our linky using your direct blog post link (You may also upload via facebook, flickr or other gallery)
You could win a Project Spotlight post on our blog + some new rubber of course.
And visit us back here for inspiration!

Good Luck!

1 comment:

The only artist you should ever compare yourself to is the one you were yesterday.

Fiona xx